Thursday, April 23, 2009

First Speciality Item: Menu

For some reason the quality is not good on these. I have no idea why. But anyway, here is one of my speciality items. I created a menu for Sweet Pockets. There is a front and back. I have to find a thicker cardstock to print it on so hopefully I can find some nice paper somewhere!!!!!

I am pretty happy with the design and actually incorporated the font used in my logo. I will post my second speciality item (cupcake box) after I make some changes since critique.

And in my second image the "P" is not there. I fixed it after seeing this but you get the idea!!! =)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

World's Most Hated Font

Apparently the world has decided that Comic Sans just has to go. I found this article while I was surfing the internet earlier. Very funny!

Specialty Item Progress

I am currently working on my menu and cupcake box for my specialty items. I also printed out a few designs that I have finished and am starting to mount them! It is a pain in the butt!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Here is my self-mailer that I made earlier in the semester. I haven't posted it so I just thought I would put it up here! I made all the changes that Paige suggested and were said in critique. I like how it turned out!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Older Projects.... Any Suggestions?

Hey fellow bloggers,

These are a couple of old projects that I am submitting for the portfolio. Do you guys have any comments or suggestions on how I can improve these? Thanks a bunch!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Here are my advertisements! I still have to make a few changes and perfect the design before submitting it in my portfolio. 

Specialty Item?

I have been thinking about my specialty item. I think I want to do a set of items.

Possibly a Menu, Takeout box (for cupcakes), Gift bag, and something else......

I have a book from Sam Flax that has a bunch of ideas for package design. I am going to look in it and see if I can come up with some cool stuff!!!!!

Off to critique.......